Frequently Asked Questions


1) How to find and contact the DAC

Our offices are located on the first floor of the Da Vinci Building at:
4, rue Lou Hemmer
L-1748 Luxembourg
(The red granite building next to the IBIS Hotel at Luxembourg Airport)

DAC's offices in Google Maps


General Licencing Department address:

phone number: +352 247 74947

  • Mr. Olivier FAURIS (Head of Licencing)
  • Ms. Carole FLERES  
  • Mr. Fernand SCHRAM
  • Mr. Frank HITZBLECK
2) Which languages do the DAC Licencing agents speak?

The DAC Licencing agents speak Luxembourgish, German, French and English

3) Opening times

We are open from Monday to Friday, except on bank holidays, from 8:00 to 12:00 and 14:00 to 17:00. We are reachable by phone from 8:30 to 12:00.

4) Do I need an appointment?

Yes! Please contact us in order to arrange an appointment.

5) What are the fees for Licencing services?
6) What is your account number?

IBAN: LU77 0019 3655 1997 3000


Account holder: ALSA S.A.

Address: 4, rue Lou Hemmer / L-1748 Luxembourg

7) What to do in order to change an address?

Please provide a current certificate of residence, issued by an official of your new town of residence, or similar official document. Address changes are free of charge.


Pilots / Parachutists

1) What is EASA?

The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) is an agency of the European Union (EU) with regulatory and executive tasks in the field of civilian aviation safety. Based in Cologne, Germany, the EASA was created on 15 July 2002, and it reached full functionality in 2008, taking over functions of the Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA). European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries have been granted participation in the agency.

The responsibilities of EASA include analysing and researching safety, authorising foreign operators, giving advice for the drafting of EU legislation, implementing and monitoring safety rules (including inspections in the member states), giving type-certification of aircraft and components as well as the approval of organisations involved in the design, manufacture and maintenance of aeronautical products.

For further information, please refer to the EASA website:

2) What is Part-FCL?

Part-FCL is Annex I of the “Aircrew Regulation”; Commission Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 of 3 November 2011 laying down technical requirements and administrative procedures related to civil aviation aircrew pursuant to Regulation (EC) No 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council.

The Aircrew Regulation is a European legislation regulating Flight Crew (Annex I, Part-FCL) and Cabin Crew (Annex V, Part-CC), aero-medical examinations (Annex IV, Part-MED), Training Organisations, and FSTD operators (Annex VII, Part-ORA). Please find the latest version of the Aircrew Regulation here:  (scroll down to “Aircrew”)

3) How to revalidate a SEP(A)?

-          Option 1: By flight experience,

Please use the form following this link  and attach:

  • copies of your medical, and
  • the last 3 pages of your logbook, as well as a
  • copy of the licence of your instructor, if they don’t hold a DAC licence, and
  • payment, if no manual endorsement was done (by a DAC examiner)

-          Option 2: With a proficiency check with an examiner:

Please use the form following this link and attach:

  • a copy of your medical, and
  • the examiner’s documents if they don’t hold a DAC licence / certificate, and
  • payment, if no manual endorsement was done (by a DAC examiner)
4) What documents have to be provided in order to request the issue, revalidation or renewal of a class or type rating (other than SEP(A) land / TMG)?

-       For the revalidation of a class or type rating with a proficiency check:

-       For the renewal of a class or type rating:

-       For initial issues of class or type ratings:

  • As for revalidations, plus:
  • ATO certificate / DTO documentation (including the list of approved courses)
  • Instructor’s licence + medical
  • Course completion certificate / training syllabus
  • Base training documentation


Please note that incomplete files will not be considered!

5) Can a holder of / applicant for a Luxembourgish licence do training in another EASA Member State?

Yes! We accept all training done in a training organisation approved by an EASA Authority in accordance with the Aircrew Regulation. Please provide the following documents:

6) Can a holder of a Luxembourgish licence do a skill test or checkflight with a foreign examiner?

Yes! We accept all examiners certified by an EASA Member State. Examiners are required to read our Information for non-Luxembourg flight examiners  and provide the related confirmation, as well as a copy of their licence, examiner certificate and medical certificate.


Please note that examiners who do not hold a DAC examiner certificate are not allowed to manually endorse Luxembourgish licences!

7) What are the requirements for a holder of an examiner certificate issued by another EASA Member State to conduct a skill test or proficiency check for a holder of a Luxembourgish licence?

Please read our Information for non-Luxembourg flight examiners and provide the related confirmation, as well as a copy of your licence, examiner certificate and medical certificate.

Please note that for Skill Tests and initial assessments of competence, at least 48 hours advance notice to DAC is required. For Proficiency Checks, no advance notice is required.


Please note that examiners who do not hold a DAC examiner certificate are not allowed to manually endorse Luxembourgish licences!

8) How to contact a DAC examiner

You can find the list of DAC examiners following this link

Please note that for holders of or applicants for a Luxembourgish licence, a convocation by DAC is required for skill tests and initial assessments of competence. In order to obtain a convocation, please contact the DAC Licencing Office.

9) When does the DAC hold Language Proficiency tests?

We do not conduct Language proficiency tests at the DAC anymore. All tests done with providers or with assessors certified by the competent Authority of an EASA member state are accepted. Please provide a copy of the provider’s or assessor’s certificate with your application.

10) Can a holder of a Luxembourgish licence do a Language Proficiency test in another EASA Member State?

Yes, we accept all Language tests done by assessors certified by the Authority of an EASA Member State. Please provide a copy of the assessor’s certificate with your test results.

11) How to sign up for theoretical knowledge examinations?

Applications must be introduced at least 10 working days before the date of the exam session, and, for the first attempt at an examination, or a subject, be signed by your instructor as well as a representative of the flight school (except for conversions)

For further information, please refer to our Procedure.

12) How to transfer a licence to Luxembourg?
13) How to transfer a Luxembourgish licence to another EASA Member State?

Please contact the Authority of the Member State you wish to transfer to.

14) How long does it take to transfer a license from / to DAC Luxembourg?

For transfers to Luxembourg, this depends on how long your former Authority takes to confirm the details of your licence. In general, you should allow for at least 6 months to complete the process.

For transfers to another Member State, we will usually reply to the query of your future Authority within 2-3 days of receipt.

15) How to obtain a licence verification letter

Please send us a request by e-mail, indicating where you would like us to send it to. Please note that for legal reasons, DAC Luxembourg cannot establish a declaration of no accident / no incident.

16) How to get a validation of an ICAO licence?

DAC Luxembourg issues validations in accordance with Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/723 of 4 March 2020 laying down detailed rules with regard to the acceptance of third-country certification of pilots and amending Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011, for various activities. Please find the respective forms following this link

17) Where to get a medical certificate in Luxembourg?
18) Where to find the current forms for revalidation, renewal and skill tests?
19) One of the links on the DAC website isn’t working

We apologise for the inconvenience. Please let us know via mail to We’ll get it fixed as soon as possible.

20) How long does it take to obtain a licence / revalidated or renewed ratings in Luxembourg?

After requesting an appointment, if you present yourself at the DAC offices with your complete file, we can usually issue your licence or rating immediately.

For complete files received by post or e-mail, your request will usually be treated within a week after receipt, and sent to your home address or your company.

21) Which flight schools are there in Luxembourg?

The following flight schools are currently approved / declared in Luxembourg:

22) What kinds of licences are issued by DAC Luxembourg?

DAC Luxembourg can issue all licences and certificates foreseen by the Aircrew Regulation, as well as national ULM licences and parachutist licences.

23) How to get a new license in case of theft or loss?

Please provide a “déclaration de perte” (declaration of loss) established by the Police or a similar Authority and pay the tax of 26€.

24) What is the difference between revalidation and renewal?
  • Revalidation: extension of a rating while it is still valid
  • Renewal: extension of a rating after it has expired. For a renewal, retraining and an Instructor Recommendation are needed and a proficiency check has to be completed.
25) How to proceed when a rating / certificate has expired?
  • For ratings / certificates which may be revalidated through flight experience or refresher courses: if all applicable requirements were fulfilled before the expiry, DAC Luxembourg will consider the request as a revalidation.
  • For ratings / certificates which require a checkflight, or if the requirements above were not fulfilled before the expiry, the renewal procedures have to be followed. For the renewal of class, type or instrument ratings, retraining and an Instructor Recommendation are needed before the proficiency check can be performed.

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