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Information for non-Luxembourgish flight examiners in accordance with FCL.1015. (C)
Following the entry into force of Regulation (EU) No 245/2014, and in order to comply with the requirements of FCL.1015 (c), non-Luxembourgish examiners can find the relevant national procedures below. The following examiner documents must be provided to our administration:
- copies of the license,
- examiner certificate,
- medical certificate (if available)
- FOR SFE : copy of the latest LPC on the respective type.
Examinations must be conducted in accordance with our Procedures : Procedure DAC-LIC 111 (Pdf, 3.20 Mb) and Procedure DAC-LIC 401 (Pdf, 1.07 Mb), which you can find via the links provided. The report forms for checkflights can be found on
If you have any other questions, please contact the Licensing Department
The Luxembourg Authority will not be held responsible for questions of liability. It is recommended that examiners obtain insurance covering civil liability and personal injury. The DAC does not issue such an insurance.
Examiners are not allowed to carry passengers during check flights.
Please note that examiners are not allowed to manually endorse new validity dates on Luxembourg licenses!
Please complete the confirmation document (Pdf, 774 Kb) and give it to the candidate, along with the documents listed above.
Direction de l'Aviation Civile
4, rue Lou Hemmer
L-1748 Luxembourg
Telephone: (+352) 247-74947 (from 8:30 to 12:00)
Visits only by appointment