National Aviation Safety Program


With the aim of improving aviation safety, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has introduced the concept of Safety Management System (SMS) for air operators and service providers. At the state level, the same concept is applied in the form of a national aviation safety program in order to have better visibility and capacity to act on potential faults and risk factors.


The national aviation safety program has four main components:

  • State security policy and objectives 
  • State risk management 
  • State security assurance 
  • Promotion of security by the state


In July 2014, the framework and responsibilities for the national aviation safety program of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg were established by Grand-Ducal regulation. The Minister of Mobility and Public Works decides on the security policy and objectives on the basis of a proposal from the DAC.



The National Aviation Safety Program (French version only) can be viewed by following this link : 



The National Plan for Aviation Safety (NPAS)

The elements of the National Aviation Safety Program are essentially stable and not evolving much over time. The more variable elements, like the identified risks and specific safety actions, are described in a separate but directly linked document : the National Plan for Aviation Safety (NPAS). This document contains specific actions based on three different inputs : the European Plan for Aviation Safety (EPAS), the DAC safety analysis and feedback from Luxembourg’s aviation stakeholders. The stakeholders are invited to analyse the risks and actions identified in the NPAS in view of their own activities and to integrate them in their SMS where applicable.


The NPAS, first published in January 2022, will be updated regularly in collaboration with its stakeholders, to remain relevant in view of evolving risk assessments.


The National Plan for Aviation Safety can be viewed by following this link:

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