The department is made up of 2 sections: Airspace and National Supervisory Authority (ATM / ANS).
At the national level, the Department's mission is, among others, to :
- certify and continuously supervise air navigation service providers;
- evaluate and express the corresponding needs in terms of airspace;
- certify and continuously supervise training organizations for air traffic controllers;
- monitor the content and dissemination of aeronautical information;
- oversee the development of air navigation procedures and oversee their execution.
At European level, the main task of the Department is the implementation of the "Single European Sky". The "Single European Sky" is an ambitious initiative aiming to reform the architecture of the European air traffic control in order to meet future capacity and safety needs. Its aim is to establish a regulatory framework for the organization of airspace and safety at a European rather than a national level.
The Department Airspace and ATM/ANS is responsible for the following procedures: