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Landing and take-off outside the aerodrome
In accordance with article 7ter of the amended law of January 31, 1948 relating to the regulation of air navigation (only available in French), no one may land or take off outside an aerodrome, a heliport or a flight field without prior authorization. of the Director of Civil Aviation, or except in cases of force majeure.
Landing and take-off outside the aerodrome are exceptional maneuvers in air traffic because of the higher level of risk and are only justified if the activity serves a general interest.
Direction de l'Aviation Civile
4, rue Lou Hemmer
L-1748 Luxembourg
Telephone: (+352) 247-74923 / 74900
For more information
Legal references
- Loi modifiée du 31 janvier 1948 relative à la réglementation de la navigation aérienne
- Règlement (UE) no 965/2012 de la Commission du 5 octobre 2012 déterminant les exigences techniques et les procédures administratives applicables aux opérations aériennes conformément au règlement (CE) no 216/2008 du Parlement européen et du Conseil